Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can I enjoy movies and culture...and still be a Christian?

After a lot of persuasion, I finally consumed the latest message from Perry Noble. Perry Noble is senior pastor of, the rapid growing ministry of NewSpring Church ( Pastor Noble is currently conducting a series of messages on the "question we ask." No I haven't watched them all...yet. However this one, blew me away!!!

How do we respond to today's culture?

Acts 17:16-34

1) We can Ignore it.

2) We can Fight it.

3) We can Study it.

4) We can Leverage it.

The way Pastor Nobel, examined the text was amazing. He delivered a raw Unashamed truth to the table, that would make our protestant father cringe, in shame.

I am not going to give it away. I am going to make you go watch it, as a good friend of mine did me...go and watch it for yourself! Then, you decide how you will respond to today's culture!

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