Thursday, November 6, 2008

Would you walk a mile in some one's shoes . . . Even if they didn't have any ? ? ?


I HAVE HOPE . . . Do you ???

Many of us have asked the question, "What can I do?" Many of you have thought to yourself, "I am just one person." So, now let me ask you a question, "Would you walk a mile in some one's shoes . . . even if they did not have any?" Now the whole dynamic changes. Sad to say, but half of the people of today would answer with an ashamed no. Where are the humanitarians of today??? Who will make an effort to change society and even better, the world? Will anyone???

Well let me introduce to you three young men who have accepted that challenge. Are you familiar with the 90's boy band, Hanson??? If you are not familiar with these amazing young men...I urge you to do so. These men are impacting a generation and society with one step at a time. Let me ask you, "What are you doing?"

Many of my Christian brothers will probably disagree with me but...Oh well. The church today is all about sharing the gospel, as long as it meet their standards. Brothers and Sisters, let me ask you, "Would you walk a mile in some one's shoes, even if they didn't have any???" Its time that the church strips those shoes off and get their hands and feet dirty. Lets live a life like Christ, NOT JUST PREACH ABOUT IT!

Visit their website and make your own decision . . . but me, I am taking a walk !!! How about you...will you show the people of Africa a thing called Hope. "NGI NE THEMBA" I HAVE you ???