Sunday, October 7, 2007

It takes Communication....

Well Hello all! The past two days have been something. But once again God has shown up...and out. I have been burdened something fierce...I thought the falls had fixed it...but I believe it just temporarily helped it.
I did however accomplish somthing today...Communication! To be there for our brothers in their time of need we must communicate with them. I can't blelieve how many arguments I could have saved if communicaion would have been present. As you Go on throughout your day please remember to communicate...a weight can and will be lifted if we remeber this simple thing. I leave you with these guidelines for communication:
1. loose the sarcasm.
2. Keep your problems within the two of you.
3. Bathe everything in prayer.
4. pray together...and for each other.
5. Dont let your past dictate your future!
I urge you again bathe every communucation within a friendship with prayer!
May God bless always!

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